Mate of Bahgoon
Defender of good
Slayer of evil
350 / 350 AAs
Level 130 Paladin
Level 130 Carpenter Level 21 Thaumaturgist Health: 2,243,824,697
Out-of-Combat Regen: 89,753,014
Power: 9,502,361
Out-of-Combat Regen: 380,282
Run Speed: 165%
Status: 1,015,178,083
Strength: 211,869 Agility: 206,213 Intelligence: 206,198 Wisdom: 210,125 Stamina: 209,668
Elemental: 2,007,381 Noxious: 2,007,316 Arcane: 2,113,095
Mitigation (vs Physical): 23,485 Avoidance: 14,430
Uncontested Block: 5.9%
Block Chance: 163%
Crit Chance: 5,020% Crit Bonus: 30,707 Potency: 1,478,240 Fervor: 408% Resolve: 9,765 Ability Mod: 42,735,724 Hate Mod: 0% Reuse Speed: 62.1% Casting Speed: 126.2% Recovery Speed: 0% Spell Reuse Speed: 0% Spell Doublecast: 0% Ability Doublecast: 235.9%
PvP Stats
Toughness: 0
Attack Speed (Haste): 101 AOE Auto Attack: 60% Accuracy: 0% Strikethrough: 6.9% Multi Attack: 32 DPS Modifier: 0 Flurry: 99% Weapon Damage Bonus: 2168.3 S Weapon Damage Bonus: 0 Not Equipped Not Equipped Not Equipped
Rare Harvest Chance: 7%
PvE Rankings
Kills: 147,130
Deaths: 308
Kills vs. Deaths: 477.7
Max Melee Hit: 957,994,292,696
Max Magic Hit: 8,967,150,932,740
5 Karana Court
Arcane Academy Portal
City of Mist Estate
Deepwater Retreat
Dhalgar Precipice of the Deep Portal
Dojo Portal
Ethernere Enclave
Everfrost Portal
Felwithe Portal
Galleon of Dreams
Hua Mein Retreat
Isle of Refuge Prestige Home
Lavastorm Portal
Library Portal
Maj'Dul Suite Portal
Mara Estate
Mistmoore Crags Estates
Oakmyst Glade
Personal Highhold Guild Hall
Planetarium Portal
Researcher's Sanctum
Rum Runners Cove Portal
Sanctus Seru Promenade
Shar Vahl Home
Skyblade Skiff Launchpad
Snowy Dwelling
Sprocket's Interlocking Plane
Storm Tower Isle Portal
The Baubbleshire
Tinkerer's Isle
Foretold Hero Atiaran the Shiney Hoarder
Birthdate: 2004-11-13
Played: 1y 121d 11h 7m 49s
Server: Maj'Dul
Race: Barbarian
Deity: Mithaniel Marr
Home City:
Guild Level: 350
Current Zone:
Quests Completed: 1,813
Collections Completed: 1165
Items Crafted: 61,405
Rare Harvests: 2,678
2025-01-04 12:04:04
Saved Beetny AA Specs
The Dragon's Armory