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Champions of Norrath of Everfrost
Come and add to our commeraderie! Grouping, training, tradeskill and solo; all levels, all classes.
Guild XP:
475 (245 accounts)

We have a casual play style.

Our humor may cause physical pain

We enjoy doing quests

The inmates are running the asylum

We may use mature humor
We are seeking Fighters, Priests, Scouts, Mages, Crafters of at least level 1.
We also offer training to new players.
CON is the oldest active guild on the server at lvl 95, casual fun is our goal. Grouping, training, crafting and solo play are our specialty, will take on all lvl toons and classes; fully furninshed tradeskill area. RL age is 18+.
Cloak Game Link:
Rank Name Adventure (Level) Tradeskill (Level) Joined Status
Blueknightbk Assassin (65) Artisan (5) 2013-01-18 19:39:32 1,329
Bluesnecro Necromancer (39) Artisan (7) 2013-02-22 20:05:49 0
Bohannan Swashbuckler (23) Tailor (26) 2012-09-19 08:16:54 348
Bovie Fury (57) Unskilled (1) 2011-05-28 15:15:17 0
Bowsan Conjuror (26) Sage (24) 2011-05-23 02:23:45 639
Braziff Paladin (90) Sage (47) 2011-11-11 21:59:07 3,518
Cayce Ranger (33) Jeweler (26) 2014-03-06 01:13:29 140
Cyve Swashbuckler (81) Armorer (32) 2013-02-10 22:08:28 26,760
Daapsback Berserker (15) Unskilled (1) 2012-09-15 18:51:35 0
Darkeyesgirl Inquisitor (20) Unskilled (1) 2012-06-30 16:44:39 5,166
Darkinsight Brigand (30) Weaponsmith (29) 2012-04-27 10:41:37 2,213
Darksprite Necromancer (78) Outfitter (11) 2012-04-05 09:28:15 17,094
Dawnlilly Wizard (30) Craftsman (12) 2012-06-08 13:31:04 3,444
Dewfire Paladin (67) Provisioner (21) 2012-03-22 15:08:20 18,113
Doelanor Swashbuckler (21) Scholar (13) 2011-12-18 16:45:43 0
Dogoodington Paladin (53) Weaponsmith (54) 2012-09-11 16:54:16 24,710
Drussila Warlock (62) Sage (51) 2011-04-27 23:16:15 3,831
Dueka Dirge (26) Artisan (2) 2012-07-05 16:24:59 0
Ediyas Beastlord (38) Outfitter (10) 2012-04-13 14:13:25 0
Ejon Conjuror (59) Carpenter (34) 2012-01-14 04:15:27 39,205