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Knights of Cydonia of Antonia Bayle
Unlocked progression Raiding, Adventurers, Crafters and Raiders welcome. PST
Guild XP:
26 (16 accounts)

We enjoy doing raids

We may use mature humor


At this time, Knights of Cydonia is not recruiting new members.
We are an unlocked progression Raid guild who enjoys grouping and crafting together. We are currently working on setting up more raid fun. All Levels and experience welcome. PST would love for you to join us.
Cloak Game Link:
Rank Name Adventure (Level) Tradeskill (Level) Joined Status
Cataway Brigand (95) Unskilled (1) 2014-09-18 15:27:27 1,074,581
Crayonn Guardian (20) Unskilled (1) 2014-10-23 04:39:37 0
Crosala Fury (40) Unskilled (1) 2014-10-14 00:06:49 2,287
Darkhollows Channeler (95) Tailor (95) 2014-09-05 08:14:14 423,965
Darkoh Warlock (95) Artisan (5) 2014-09-01 12:12:37 10,392
Darkxar Warden (95) Unskilled (1) 2014-09-06 09:19:58 125,185
Dasala Paladin (39) Unskilled (1) 2014-10-14 00:05:22 2,552
Friedbanana Defiler (24) Unskilled (1) 2014-10-21 13:49:20 3,631
Malsata Troubador (38) Unskilled (1) 2014-10-14 00:09:31 1,719
Nightdance Dirge (95) Woodworker (95) 2014-06-12 14:00:53 282,537
Nightdecora Paladin (95) Carpenter (95) 2014-06-27 05:09:23 109,836
Nightfable Berserker (95) Armorer (95) 2014-09-21 14:24:08 0
Nightfate Warden (24) Unskilled (1) 2014-07-27 18:42:46 0
Nightlightt Paladin (95) Sage (95) 2014-06-12 13:55:58 302,576
Nightstorm Shadowknight (95) Alchemist (100) 2014-06-11 11:41:21 3,233,218
Nogero Coercer (95) Unskilled (1) 2014-09-16 13:19:37 103,631
Starrry Warlock (95) Tailor (63) 2014-10-19 03:24:09 62,539
Suthana Illusionist (37) Unskilled (1) 2014-10-14 00:03:42 810
Wamama Warlock (36) Unskilled (1) 2014-10-14 00:08:05 0
Starryskye Warlock (41) Craftsman (18) 2014-06-11 11:41:31 0