Waste Walker Robe of the Dracomancer
3,861 Primary Attributes
6,507 Stamina
219,970 Power
350,030 Health
1544.9 Crit Bonus
495 Resolve
47437.1 Potency
37.3 Reuse Speed
Cloth Armor (Chest)
All Mages
Adornment Slots:
White, Purple
Waste Walker Chain Gauntlets of the Dracomancer
3,281 Primary Attributes
5,530 Stamina
186,974 Power
297,525 Health
1313.1 Crit Bonus
495 Resolve
33.8 Casting Speed
40321.4 Potency
Chain Armor (Hands)
All Scouts, Defiler, Mystic
Adornment Slots:
White, Purple
a prismatic scale fragment
A shard of iridescent scale, hinting it may have fallen from a distinctive dragon. A merchant might pay a few coin for this item.
Deepwater Cincture of Fortitude
3,249 Primary Attributes
5,508 Stamina
179,918 Power
286,297 Health
569 Combat Skills
1300.1 Crit Bonus
475 Resolve
465 Crit Chance
38307.2 Potency
320.4 Max Health
Adornment Slots:
White, Purple, Black
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Wizard
Grants a choice of Wizard spell scrolls.
When unpacked, grants these items:
Solar Flare XIV (Celestial)
Converge XI (Celestial)
Furnace of Ro VIII (Celestial)
Mana Intromission X (Celestial)
Protoflame IX (Celestial)
Shackle XII (Celestial)
Surge of Ro X (Celestial)
Fortify Elements XII (Celestial)
Frigid Gift X (Celestial)
Glacial Wind XI (Celestial)
Iceshield XI (Celestial)
Storm of Lightning XII (Celestial)
Storming Tempest VIII (Celestial)
Ball of Fire XI (Celestial)
Cease XII (Celestial)
Fusion VIII (Celestial)
Immolation XII (Celestial)
Ring of Ice X (Celestial)
Ro's Blade XII (Celestial)
Bond Of Ro III (Celestial)
Enhanced Ice Comet II (Celestial)
Firestorm XII (Celestial)
Harvest Mana XI (Celestial)
Ice Comet IX (Celestial)
Ice Spears XIII (Celestial)
Let It Burn III (Celestial)
Rays of Disintegration VII (Celestial)
Tyrant's Pact XII (Celestial)
Vital Transfer XII (Celestial)
Aurora IX (Celestial)
Incinerate XIII (Celestial)
Magma Chamber XII (Celestial)
Flames of Velious IX (Celestial)
Mercenary: Mepep Muckmire
When consumed this token will grant the usage of the Kappa mercenary, Mepep Muckmire! This mercenary uses fury based abilities and can be hired from somewhere within the Sodden Archipelago.
Creates Items:
Mercenary Battalion: Scars of Destruction (Support)
Scars of Destruction: Vrakorr Scroll Case Class Choice
Unpacking this bundle will allow you to select a single classes Celestial scroll upgrade bag.
When unpacked, grants these items:
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Assassin
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Beastlord
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Berserker
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Brigand
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Bruiser
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Channeler
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Coercer
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Conjuror
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Defiler
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Dirge
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Fury
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Guardian
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Illusionist
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Inquisitor
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Monk
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Mystic
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Necromancer
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Paladin
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Ranger
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Shadowknight
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Swashbuckler
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Templar
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Troubador
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Warden
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Warlock
Vrakorr Scroll Case: Wizard
Glacial Thorka
Don't assume this beastie's impressive tusks are just for show. This one has been seen using them like ice picks: gripping slippery ice, digging into snow, and breaking through ice to create breathing holes. Of course, they also make for effective weapons in dominance displays and hunting. So, keep some clams at the ready. You don't want to end up getting the tusk.
2 seconds
Until Cancelled
Summon Familiar: Glacial Thorka
Applies Summon Familiar: Glacial Thorka when Activated.
• Increases All Attributes of caster by 39.4%.
• Increases Potency of caster by 72,024.6.
• Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 22,998.5.
• Summons a pet Glacial Thorka
• On a hostile ability cast this spell has a 10% chance to cast Consume on target of spell. Lasts for 2.6 seconds.
• Inflicts 687 - 1,146 piercing damage on target instantly and every 1.2 seconds.
• Decreases Combat Mitigation of target by 82.5.
• Cannot be modified except by direct means
• This effect can only trigger once every 8.0 - 12.0 seconds.
An Orafik Eyestalk
This is the state of all who live, nothing more than phantoms, a weightless shadow.
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
Medal of the Inventor
Nothing is so strongly fortified that it cannot be taken by magic.
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
Ashlok Totem of Savagery
Wormbone's End is place of worship for the Ashlok, A place that never expected to see intruders...
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
Ashlok Totem of Earthbending
Wormbone's End is place of worship for the Ashlok, A place that never expected to see intruders...
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
A Tuft of Shiverback Hair
This is the state of all who live, nothing more than phantoms, a weightless shadow.
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
Slizzera's Enchanted Horn
There is no hunting like the hunting of a prey, and those who have hunted prey long enough and desire it, and never crave for anything else.
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
Ashlok Totem of Disease
Wormbone's End is place of worship for the Ashlok, A place that never expected to see intruders...
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
A Fearling Horn
This is the state of all who live, nothing more than phantoms, a weightless shadow.
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
Ashlok Totem of Warning
Wormbone's End is place of worship for the Ashlok, A place that never expected to see intruders...
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
Medal of the Overlord
Nothing is so strongly fortified that it cannot be taken by magic.
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
A Soullight Spark
This is the state of all who live, nothing more than phantoms, a weightless shadow.
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
Ashlok Totem of Healing
Wormbone's End is place of worship for the Ashlok, A place that never expected to see intruders...
This item is Collectible.
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for 1,125 personal status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 90.
Item Discoveries |
Lanthion was first to discover 344 items* on their server**.
*NOTE: Characters are credited for an item discovery if they were the first to discover it on their server. A world discovery (which displays a trophy) is if they were the first to discover it on ALL servers. Please view the Item Details page for any item to see historical item discovery pages for retired servers. Unfortunately we do not have item discovery data for the 2011 round of server merges (Everfrost, Permafrost, etc.).