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Zimaran Grandmaster Recipes Volume V
All Crafters
Abolishment VI (Grandmaster)
Abominate Undead II (Grandmaster)
Acid Storm VII (Grandmaster)
Allegretto XII (Grandmaster)
Alleviation XII (Grandmaster)
Amazing Reflexes III (Grandmaster)
Ancestral Avenger X (Grandmaster)
Ancestral Bolster III (Grandmaster)
Ancestral Savior X (Grandmaster)
Ancestral Sentry VII (Grandmaster)
Ancient Wrath XII (Grandmaster)
Animalistic Intent II (Grandmaster)
Annihilate III (Grandmaster)
Apocalypse IX (Grandmaster)
Assassinate IX (Grandmaster)
Asylum XII (Grandmaster)
Aura of Power III (Grandmaster)
Autumn's Kiss XII (Grandmaster)
Ball Lightning VII (Grandmaster)
Bane of Warding XI (Grandmaster)
Barrage XIV (Grandmaster)
Barroom Negotiation XII (Grandmaster)
Bash XIII (Grandmaster)
Battle Cry XII (Grandmaster)
Beg for Mercy VII (Grandmaster)
Berserker Onslaught XI (Grandmaster)
Bladeweaver XII (Grandmaster)
Blazing Avatar IX (Grandmaster)
Bloody Ritual XII (Grandmaster)
Bob and Weave XII (Grandmaster)
Body Check XIII (Grandmaster)
Boil Blood III (Grandmaster)
Bond Of Ro III (Grandmaster)
Brambles XII (Grandmaster)
Breathtaking Bellow VI (Grandmaster)
Bria's Inspiring Ballad XII (Grandmaster)
Brood Cure VI (Grandmaster)
Brutal Execution II (Grandmaster)
Bulwark of Order III (Grandmaster)
Caliginous Whip III (Grandmaster)
Carrion Warding XII (Grandmaster)
Cataclysm XIII (Grandmaster)
Channeled Protection XI (Grandmaster)
Chaos XII (Grandmaster)
Charging Tiger XII (Grandmaster)
Chromatic Shower IX (Grandmaster)
Cocky Maneuver III (Grandmaster)
Communion VII (Grandmaster)
Conjuror's Pact XII (Grandmaster)
Construct's Sacrifice XIII (Grandmaster)
Consume Essence III (Grandmaster)
Consuming Inferno III (Grandmaster)
Countersong IV (Grandmaster)
Crusader's Judgement III (Grandmaster)
Curse of Void XI (Grandmaster)
Daelis' Dance of Blades XII (Grandmaster)
Dancing Precession II (Grandmaster)
Daring Advance XII (Grandmaster)
Dark Pact XII (Grandmaster)
Dastardly Plan II (Grandmaster)
Death March IV (Grandmaster)
Death's Door XII (Grandmaster)
Deathward VII (Grandmaster)
Debilitate IX (Grandmaster)
Deceit V (Grandmaster)
Decimation III (Grandmaster)
Decree IX (Grandmaster)
Defensive Haven XII (Grandmaster)
Defiling Hex Ward II (Grandmaster)
Demonstration of Faith XII (Grandmaster)
Destructive Mind XI (Grandmaster)
Devious Evasion VII (Grandmaster)
Devoted Resolve VI (Grandmaster)
Devour III (Grandmaster)
Devour Vitae XI (Grandmaster)
Devouring Mist IX (Grandmaster)
Dirges Refrain III (Grandmaster)
Disarming Grin VIII (Grandmaster)
Discordant Verse III (Grandmaster)
Dismember III (Grandmaster)
Disorientation XII (Grandmaster)
Dissociate Limbs III (Grandmaster)
Distracting Shot III (Grandmaster)
Divide and Conquer VII (Grandmaster)
Divine Execution II (Grandmaster)
Divine Provenance III (Grandmaster)
Doppelganger VII (Grandmaster)
Dragon Rage XI (Grandmaster)
Ebbing Spirit VI (Grandmaster)
Echoes of the Ancients XI (Grandmaster)
Enhanced Cataclysm II (Grandmaster)
Enhanced Ice Comet II (Grandmaster)
Entangle VII (Grandmaster)
Essence Shift XII (Grandmaster)
Exquisite Torment III (Grandmaster)
Extract Mana XII (Grandmaster)
Eye Gouge XI (Grandmaster)
Faerie Ally VII (Grandmaster)
Fanaticism IX (Grandmaster)
Fatal Followup VII (Grandmaster)
Fear IX (Grandmaster)
Feral Destruction IV (Grandmaster)
Feral Tenacity X (Grandmaster)
Firestorm XII (Grandmaster)
Flourishing Strike III (Grandmaster)
Flurry of Blades XI (Grandmaster)
Flying Scissors III (Grandmaster)
Focused Intervention IX (Grandmaster)
Forced Arbitration III (Grandmaster)
Forceful Channeling II (Grandmaster)
Foretold Prophecy II (Grandmaster)
Geotic Rune XII (Grandmaster)
Grisly Protection XII (Grandmaster)
Guardian Sphere VI (Grandmaster)
Gut III (Grandmaster)
Gut Rip III (Grandmaster)
Hadooken III (Grandmaster)
Harmony XII (Grandmaster)
Harvest Mana XI (Grandmaster)
Hateful Slam XII (Grandmaster)
Heal Servant XIII (Grandmaster)
Healstorm XII (Grandmaster)
Heart Of The Storm III (Grandmaster)
Heretic's Doom XI (Grandmaster)
Heroic Dash XII (Grandmaster)
Hierophantic Genesis IX (Grandmaster)
Holy Ground III (Grandmaster)
Holy Intercession XII (Grandmaster)
Holy Salvation X (Grandmaster)
Holy Stampede II (Grandmaster)
Holy Strike XI (Grandmaster)
Howl of Death XI (Grandmaster)
Hunker Down XII (Grandmaster)
Hunter's Instinct XII (Grandmaster)
Huntmaster III (Grandmaster)
Hyran's Seething Sonata VI (Grandmaster)
Ice Comet IX (Grandmaster)
Ice Spears XIII (Grandmaster)
Illusionary Mindstorm II (Grandmaster)
Immobilizing Lunge XII (Grandmaster)
Impale XII (Grandmaster)
Indomitable Will XII (Grandmaster)
Inner Calm XII (Grandmaster)
Inquisition VII (Grandmaster)
Inspired Daring IX (Grandmaster)
Instinct XI (Grandmaster)
Iron Will XI (Grandmaster)
Jester's Cap IV (Grandmaster)
Judgment XIII (Grandmaster)
Lamenting Soul VI (Grandmaster)
Let It Burn III (Grandmaster)
Lethal Focus III (Grandmaster)
Lich IX (Grandmaster)
Lucky Gambit XIII (Grandmaster)
Maelstrom IX (Grandmaster)
Maestros Harmony III (Grandmaster)
Mail of Souls VI (Grandmaster)
Malevolent Diatribe XII (Grandmaster)
Malfeasance III (Grandmaster)
Malice XIII (Grandmaster)
Medusa Gaze XIII (Grandmaster)
Mindful Melody II (Grandmaster)
Mutilate XII (Grandmaster)
Mystical Hex Ward II (Grandmaster)
Natural Combustion II (Grandmaster)
Natural Infusion II (Grandmaster)
Nature's Renewal X (Grandmaster)
Necromantic Pact XII (Grandmaster)
Necrotic Blade III (Grandmaster)
Necrotic Reconstruction XIII (Grandmaster)
Nightmare XII (Grandmaster)
Oberon IX (Grandmaster)
Overwhelming Force II (Grandmaster)
Paranoia XIII (Grandmaster)
Peal Of Battle III (Grandmaster)
Peel VII (Grandmaster)
Perdition III (Grandmaster)
Perforate III (Grandmaster)
Phantom Troupe III (Grandmaster)
Poisonous Plan II (Grandmaster)
Polar Fire III (Grandmaster)
Porcupine IX (Grandmaster)
Precise Volley III (Grandmaster)
Primal Fury XI (Grandmaster)
Primordial Flame III (Grandmaster)
Prismatic Chaos XI (Grandmaster)
Puppetmaster VII (Grandmaster)
Rampage IX (Grandmaster)
Rapturous Strike III (Grandmaster)
Rays of Disintegration VII (Grandmaster)
Reactive Shell III (Grandmaster)
Reckless Aide VII (Grandmaster)
Redemption X (Grandmaster)
Reparations III (Grandmaster)
Repent VII (Grandmaster)
Resolute Faith VII (Grandmaster)
Resolute Flagellant VI (Grandmaster)
Reveal Fate III (Grandmaster)
Riana's Relentless Tune XII (Grandmaster)
Rune of Thought XII (Grandmaster)
Sanctifying Flames III (Grandmaster)
Savage Assault IX (Grandmaster)
Savage Beating III (Grandmaster)
Savage Ruin XII (Grandmaster)
Saving Grace II (Grandmaster)
Sever XII (Grandmaster)
Shadebringer III (Grandmaster)
Shard Storm II (Grandmaster)
Shift Mana XII (Grandmaster)
Shock Wave IX (Grandmaster)
Shoulder Charge XII (Grandmaster)
Shred III (Grandmaster)
Shrug Off VII (Grandmaster)
Signet of Intellect XII (Grandmaster)
Silent Palm IX (Grandmaster)
Sleight of Hand VII (Grandmaster)
Spirits XII (Grandmaster)
Spurious Bravado VI (Grandmaster)
Stalk XII (Grandmaster)
Stealth Assault XI (Grandmaster)
Storm Of Shale III (Grandmaster)
Storm of Arrows IX (Grandmaster)
Street Smarts XII (Grandmaster)
Summoners Siphon III (Grandmaster)
Tap Essence XI (Grandmaster)
Taunting Strike III (Grandmaster)
Teachings of the Underworld XII (Grandmaster)
Terror Chant XII (Grandmaster)
Thieves Guild III (Grandmaster)
Thorny Trap VII (Grandmaster)
Touch Of Life II (Grandmaster)
Touch Of Resistance II (Grandmaster)
Tracing Shot II (Grandmaster)
Tracing Wound II (Grandmaster)
Tranquil Vision VII (Grandmaster)
Transcendence XII (Grandmaster)
Triple Shot XI (Grandmaster)
Tyrant's Pact XII (Grandmaster)
Umbral Warding XII (Grandmaster)
Unbroken III (Grandmaster)
Unending Agony XII (Grandmaster)
Unholy Blessing XII (Grandmaster)
Unholy Stampede II (Grandmaster)
Untamed Regeneration XII (Grandmaster)
Vacuum Field XIII (Grandmaster)
Vampirism VII (Grandmaster)
Verdant Whisper VI (Grandmaster)
Villainy XII (Grandmaster)
Virtue XI (Grandmaster)
Vital Strike III (Grandmaster)
Vital Transfer XII (Grandmaster)
Void Contract XII (Grandmaster)
Wail of the Banshee IX (Grandmaster)
Wall of Rage XII (Grandmaster)
Wild Accretion XII (Grandmaster)
Will of the Heavens XII (Grandmaster)
Willow Wisp XII (Grandmaster)
Winds of Healing XII (Grandmaster)
Word of Redemption XII (Grandmaster)
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Crowdsourced Loot Data
This item is a known drop from many NPCs.
Here are the first twenty (
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Etosh the Electrifying
Aether Wroughtlands: Chaotic Currents [Event Heroic I]
Shanrazad the Spared
Aether Wroughtlands: Ferric Fields [Heroic II]
Shanrazad the Spared
Aether Wroughtlands: Ferric Fields [Heroic I]
Aether Wroughtlands: Native Mettle [Heroic III]
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Aether Wroughtlands: Native Mettle [Heroic III]
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The Aurum Outlaw
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Hasira the Hawk
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Hasira the Hawk
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Tarsisk the Tainted
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Lord Tarinax
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Winx the Unmountable
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Harmok the Hammer
Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Heroic I]
a Sizzleshell Slugger
Blackhook Spiral: Stonebrunt Defile [Heroic II]
Orok the Overbearing
Blackhook Spiral: Stonebrunt Defile [Heroic II]
Dustpaw Devil
Darkpaw Warrens [Heroic II]
Darkpaw Warrens [Heroic II]
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Discovery Dates for this Item
Halls of Fate
Jan 17, 2024 @ 6:55:17pm
Jan 17, 2024 @ 7:57:29pm
Jan 17, 2024 @ 8:17:18pm
Jan 17, 2024 @ 10:43:53pm
Isle of Refuge
Jan 18, 2024 @ 7:16:46pm
Antonia Bayle
Jan 19, 2024 @ 6:08:51pm
Apr 5, 2024 @ 6:30:29am