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Healing Arrow XIII (Grandmaster)
Inflicts damage to the target from range and heals allies near the enemy's target. Up to six allies within 15 meters can be healed. This ability bypasses most avoidance checks.
2.0 - 25.0 meters
3 seconds
0.5 seconds
Recast SPELL
8 seconds

  Applies Healing Arrow. Lasts for 8.0 seconds.
  Heals targets in Area of Effect for 3,147 - 3,846.
  Applies to the enemy's target if they are in the same group or raid as the channeler and within 50 meters of them. Otherwise, applies to the channeler.
  Inflicts 1,278 ranged damage on target
  Requires bow or aim
Game Link:
Crafting Info
This item can be crafted from the following recipe book(s):
Dreadfell Grandmaster Recipes Volume I
Discovery Dates for this Item
LealuasMaj'DulDec 25, 2021 @ 1:25:41am
UnknownHalls of FateDec 31, 2021 @ 8:38:54pm
UnknownThurgadinJan 26, 2022 @ 10:40:34pm
YserriaIsle of RefugeJan 29, 2022 @ 7:43:50pm
JolenaAntonia BayleMar 12, 2022 @ 9:44:20pm
DaltharrSkyfireMar 13, 2022 @ 3:35:09pm