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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
Amulet of Wishful Water
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Darkpaw Warrens [Solo]
a Dustpaw watcher
a Sabertooth grunt
a Sabertooth hatcheteer
a Sabertooth scribe
Raj'Dur Plateaus
a Raj'Dur ambusher
a Raj'Dur blackguard
a Raj'Dur cutthroat
a Raj'Dur marauder
a Raj'Dur raider
Raj'Dur Plateaus: Blood and Sand [Heroic I]
an invading ambusher
an invading cutthroat
an invading lookout
an invading marauder
Raj'Dur Plateaus: Blood and Sand [Signature]
an invading ambusher
an invading cutthroat
an invading lookout
an invading marauder
Raj'Dur Plateaus: Blood and Sand [Solo]
an invading ambusher
an invading lookout
an invading marauder
Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Hunt [Raid]
a Raj'Dur centurion
a Raj'Dur fanatic
a Raj'Dur hunter
Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Sultan's Dagger [Heroic I]
a Raj'Dur cutthroat
a Raj'Dur lookout
a Raj'Dur marauder
Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Sultan's Dagger [Signature]
a Raj'Dur cutthroat
a Raj'Dur lookout
a Raj'Dur marauder
Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Sultan's Dagger [Solo]
a Raj'Dur cutthroat
a Raj'Dur lookout
a Raj'Dur marauder
Sandstone Delta
a Stormfury fishmonger
a Stormfury roughneck
a Stormfury trawler
a Swordfury devotee
a Swordfury follower
a Swordfury worshipper
Sandstone Delta: Eye of Night [Heroic III]
a Kren blackguard
a Kren magi
a Kren nightwatch
a Kren soothsayer
Marig the Mad
Nenmioseh the Night's Eye
Tarsun the Tarnished
Sandstone Delta: Eye of Night [Heroic II]
a Kren blackguard
a Kren magi
a Kren nightwatch
a Kren soothsayer
Ahuttam the Sword's Breeze
Brahmir the Broken
Kirat the Corrupt
Tarsun the Tarnished
Sandstone Delta: Eye of Night [Heroic I]
a Kren blackguard
a Kren magi
a Kren nightwatch
a Kren soothsayer
Ahuttam the Sword's Breeze
Kirat the Corrupt
Nenmioseh the Night's Eye
Tarsun the Tarnished
Sandstone Delta: Eye of Night [Solo]
a Kren blackguard
a Kren magi
a Kren nightwatch
a Kren soothsayer
Ahuttam the Sword's Breeze
Brahmir the Broken
Kirat the Corrupt
Marig the Mad
Nenmioseh the Night's Eye
Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Heroic III]
a bridge keeper
a cliffside reeler
a fatfinger filleter
a hardened harpooner
a longshore lookout
a musselbound minder
an angry fisher
Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Heroic II]
a bridge keeper
a cliffside reeler
a fatfinger filleter
a hardened harpooner
a longshore lookout
a musselbound minder
Agmork the Almighty Angler
an angry fisher
Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Heroic I]
a bridge keeper
a cliffside reeler
a deepsea netter
a fatfinger filleter
a hardened harpooner
a longshore lookout
a musselbound minder
an angry fisher
Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Solo]
a bridge keeper
a cliffside reeler
a deepsea netter
a fatfinger filleter
a hardened harpooner
a longshore lookout
a musselbound minder
Agmork the Almighty Angler
an angry fisher
Sandstone Delta: The Standing Storm [Raid]
a Swordfury shaman
a Swordfury soothsayer
Beckut, the Mad Zealot
Takish Badlands
a sullen Dunetooth fiend
a vexed Dunetooth savage
Takish Badlands: Kigathor's Glade [Heroic I]
a dirty Dunetooth blocker
a Dunetooth lacky
a slimy Dunetooth warder
a sly Dunetooth fiend
a stabby Dunetooth
Chief Dunesea
Takish Badlands: Kigathor's Glade [Solo]
a dirty Dunetooth blocker
a Dunetooth lacky
a slimy Dunetooth warder
a sly Dunetooth fiend
a stabby Dunetooth
Lopik Runtbottom
Migral Strongfeet
Takish Badlands: The Boundless Gulf [Raid]
a sandcrawler ivory hunter
Ragtag's ragatag hunter
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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