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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
Vetrovilyte Relic

NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.

Akashic Neverthere: Ballentree Repository
a neverblight
Awuidor: Trench of Terrors [Heroic]
a knight aquatic
Awuidor: Trench of Terrors [Solo]
a Bulthar bulkhead
a knight aquatic
a luring bristlemouth
a lurking fathomfeaster
a rapacious seahag
a Shahmari doomslayer
a Shahmari harbinger
a tigerjaw shark
an abyss gazer
Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Contested]
a sylvan grovetender
Buried Takish'Hiz: Foundation of Knowledge [Heroic I]
Edrigen the Empowered
Buried Takish'Hiz: Foundation of Knowledge [Solo]
Edrigen the Empowered
Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic II]
a bloodthirsty colony
a cavern golem
a fettered fiend
a forgotten revenant
a forsaken vampyre
a miserable wretch
a watchful eye
an unfettered fiend
Avamei K'Setila
Axixi Q'Dwimi
Bonewretch the Expelled
Denez V'Texiwer
Devar T'Devi
Dhivzha F'Tyhavizh
Hravizh Z'Nzhetev
Iriwer Z'Avanek
Ixalhi X'Dzhovi
Ixhmer D'Ozitev
Jrawer T'Oxanez
Jreker N'Zvivi
Jthemei M'Ingxi
Jylexi H'Kthaver
Krevizh B'Tazinez
Orikin T'Trevizh
Oxawer D'Szeble
Porzo Kel'Kanna
Qhaver P'Szevzha
Rethisel K'Zenez
Rhique Z'Rzhenol
Rxoxo M'Vethible
Rzhenek R'Oziver
Rzherez D'Vythisel
Skelegore the Regurgitated
Texinek Q'Oripoz
Tyhalhi K'Ozivar
Vami K'Sxhiwer
Viver Z'Jylevzha
Vorigan Mistmoore
Vyrix D'Arixi
Vythisel K'Rhivzha
Xyker T'Texivi
Zarix Z'Ingpoz
Zaver H'Jthenol
Zeami S'Ingvizh
Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic I]
a bloodthirsty colony
a cavern golem
a fettered fiend
a forgotten revenant
a forsaken vampyre
a miserable wretch
an unfettered fiend
Avaxo M'Kthevzha
Axizsi Y'Khaque
Bonewretch the Expelled
Dhinek N'Xapoz
Dhvamei D'Irizsi
Dipoz V'Hzamer
Ixhwer R'Zatev
Jthever S'Kvhilhi
Khapoz D'Rzhewer
Khrakin J'Rxoxo
Khratev R'Zsimer
Krerez T'Orique
Kripoz H'Tyrivizh
Rzheque V'Vexi
Setiker F'Krimei
Sxhimer N'Zypoz
Sypheria the Shackled
Texiker H'Athela
Texiwer H'Izhaxo
Texixo B'Zinek
Tyharez B'Viniver
Tyrimi R'Zyver
Tyrivizh B'Jrawer
Vethixi B'Vyque
Vezipoz T'Jziwer
Vorigan Mistmoore
Vythivzha V'Ktherix
Xylivar B'Setimei
Zsiker F'Rzherix
Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Solo]
a bloodthirsty colony
a fettered fiend
a forgotten revenant
a forsaken vampyre
a miserable wretch
a watchful eye
Arila K'Tyrisel
Avamer T'Oxami
Bonewretch the Expelled
Ditev N'Venol
Dreble X'Rhirix
Dzhonez V'Vythitev
Hzasel H'Szeque
Izhakin V'Divar
Izhaque K'Jyletev
Jzivi V'Kvhikin
Kthepoz V'Rethirix
Ktheque Z'Axila
Kthesel B'Setivar
Kvhique S'Rethinol
Lysander Mistmoore
Mazza Zanzeer
Nhinek L'Ximi
Oxala Q'Ixhvi
Oxapoz Z'Jylekin
Porzo Kel'Kanna
Qhaker P'Qhawer
Rhixi D'Dinek
Sxhisel V'Oriwer
Sxhivar X'Ixhnez
Sypheria the Shackled
Szeker Z'Hrala
Szerix Q'Nhinez
Tazikin F'Rzheme
Teximi M'Qhable
Trevi N'Sxhinez
Vethinez V'Xixo
Vethizsi K'Avawer
Vorigan Mistmoore
Vuevar K'Dhinez
Vythixo B'Nzhetev
Vzhivi R'Hzavar
Xixo X'Vanez
Xymer Z'Ingmer
Zanek D'Vyla
Zeavi T'Irixo
Zeramei V'Xexi
Zsivar M'Kriwer
Zymei K'Kthaker
Zyvzha T'Vivzha
Castle Vacrul: Confrontation
a misery mephit
Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid]
conjured up bones
Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie [Heroic II]
a ferocious were-sister
a merciless were-sister
a ruthless were-sister
a savage were-sister
a thralloc reaper
a thralloc servant
a vengeful were-sister
Avavizh K'Rxovar
Brother Shen
Dhiwer K'Oripoz
Dhvable D'Rxorix
Hzami H'Zenez
Ingble H'Vzhimi
Jreble Z'Kzenol
Jyleque B'Arinek
Jylevar X'Trevzha
Khable M'Vuexo
Kthesel L'Ixable
Kvhivi N'Zila
Nzheque D'Jrarez
Setime Z'Rxonol
Sister Herex
The Black King
Tyhaxi N'Rzhemei
Vethible F'Krique
Vinek T'Venol
Xevar X'Xyvar
Xikin V'Kzeble
Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie [Heroic I]
a merciless were-sister
a ruthless were-sister
a savage were-sister
a thralloc reaper
a thralloc servant
a vengeful were-sister
Athekin B'Hzarix
Avamei L'Izhatev
Axime H'Kvhivar
Axixi F'Ingvi
Brother Shen
Dhimer Z'Kreker
Dhvapoz J'Xynez
Hrala F'Ixhker
Ingme M'Jrenol
Iripoz J'Zeraxo
Krinek N'Vueque
Ktharix V'Vzhivizh
Lyrez O'Scholoran
Orila V'Hrakin
Qharix D'Rethitev

This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the Dragon’s Armory "Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin developed by Dedith.   
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