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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
an Allu'thoan medallion
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Phantom Sea
a frenzied Clotl'thoa zealot
a Thoa Diviner
an Allu'thoa landhunter
an Allu'thoa magmacaster
an allu'thoa rider
an Allu'thoa spinemaster
an Allu'thoa spiritbinder
an Allu'thoa tenderfoot
Master Landhunter Garhex
Tranquil Sea
an Allu'thoa boneshadow
an Allu'thoa lavalescent
an Allu'thoa ravener
an Allu'thoa spinemaster
an Allu'thoa villager
an Allu'thoa watcher
an Allu'thoa woundbreaker
Zavith'loa: The Hidden Caldera [Advanced Solo]
a Clotl'thoa fanatic
a Clotl'thoa worshipper
an Allu'thoa augur
an Allu'thoa deino-tyrant
an Allu'thoa hunter
an Allu'thoa lavacrafter
an Allu'thoa lookout
an Allu'thoa ravener
an Allu'thoa rider
an Allu'thoa spearbearer
an Allu'thoa villager
High Priest Hamanu'akaloa
Pterotrainer Yu'lua
Zavith'loa: The Hidden Caldera [Heroic]
a Clotl'thoa fanatic
a Clotl'thoa worshipper
an Allu'thoa augur
an Allu'thoa deino-tyrant
an Allu'thoa hunter
an Allu'thoa lavacrafter
an Allu'thoa lookout
an Allu'thoa ravener
an Allu'thoa rider
an Allu'thoa spearbearer
an Allu'thoa villager
Augur Kaimanu
Defender Honu
High Priest Hamanu'akaloa
Lavacrafter Peleaina
Obsidian Warrior Koa
Pterotrainer Yu'lua
Zavith'loa: The Hidden Caldera [Solo]
a Clotl'thoa fanatic
a Clotl'thoa worshipper
an Allu'thoa augur
an Allu'thoa deino-tyrant
an Allu'thoa lavacrafter
an Allu'thoa lookout
an Allu'thoa ravener
an Allu'thoa rider
an Allu'thoa spearbearer
an Allu'thoa villager
High Priest Hamanu'akaloa
Pterotrainer Yu'lua
Zavith'loa: The Hunt [Event Heroic]
an Allu'thoa deino-tyrant
an Allu'thoa ravener
an Allu'thoa rider
an Allu'thoa spearbearer
an elite Allu'thoa prowler
an elite Allu'thoa tracker
The Unnamed Hunter
Zavith'loa: The Lost Caverns [Advanced Solo]
an Allu'thoa cavehunter
an Allu'thoa hunter
an Allu'thoa raptor rider
an Allu'thoa rider
an Allu'thoa spiritbinder
an Allu'thoa tenderfoot
an elite Allu'thoa hunter
Beastmaster Kau'mua
Kindred of Mo'iana
Mo'iana Warder
Zavith'loa: The Lost Caverns [Heroic]
an Allu'thoa cavehunter
an Allu'thoa firetender
an Allu'thoa gamecarver
an Allu'thoa hunter
an Allu'thoa raptor rider
an Allu'thoa scout
an Allu'thoa spiritbinder
an Allu'thoa tenderfoot
an elite Allu'thoa hunter
Beastmaster Kau'mua
Huntmaster Au'mari
Kindred of Mo'iana
Mo'iana Warder
Zavith'loa: The Molten Pools [Raid]
an Allu'thoa augur
an Allu'thoa deino-tyrant
an Allu'thoa lookout
an Allu'thoa ravener
an Allu'thoa spearbearer
an Allu'thoa villager
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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