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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
Curse of Void VII (Adept)
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Brokenskull Bay: Bilgewater Falls [Heroic]
a bladestorm
a Brokenskull bouncer
a skeletal crew member
Brokenskull Bay: Bosun's Private Stock [Event Heroic]
an urzarach
Eggtender Varogg
Brokenskull Bay: Hoist the Yellow Jack [Heroic]
a Brokenskull crewmember
a Brokenskull pirate swabby
Brokenskull Bay: Spoils of Maraud [Contested]
a Brokenskull pirate lookout
Castle Highhold [Advanced Solo]
an Ov'Dyn Centien
Castle Highhold [Heroic]
a Nox Va'Xin
a Sa'Wen Senshali
a Tek'Thall Liako
an Estri Fer'Centi
Sa'Dax Senshali
Castle Highhold: Thresinet's Den [Heroic]
a lair sorcerach
Ossuary of Malevolence [Contested]
cruor vitae
disembodied spirit
flesh construct
floating skulls
Ranz T'Ral
skeletal obscenity
Ossuary: Resonance of Malice [Heroic]
a cranial skitterer
a divine repenter
a resurrected sacrifice
Ursher K'dal
Ossuary: Sanguine Fountains [Heroic]
a malice devotee
a malicious sentry
Ritualist K'Deru
Phantom Sea
a bone rot warrior
a wood spider
an Allu'thoa magmacaster
Ssraeshza Temple: Echoes of Time [Raid]
a temple quarryman
Ssraeshza Temple: Taskmaster's Echo [Event Heroic]
Ssraeshza Containment Rings
The Fabled Acadechism [Advanced Solo]
a D'Vinnian manipulator
a Dreadguard death knight
Unlinked Items
The Fabled Acadechism [Heroic]
a D'Vinnian manipulator
Unlinked Items
The Fabled Court of Innovation [Advanced Solo]
a mechnamagica interceptor
The Fabled Court of Innovation [Heroic]
a heavy metal menacer
a klakdyne omega magus
The Crimson Vanquisher
The Fabled Crypt of Valdoon [Advanced Solo]
a bloodcovet mangler
a Trueborn vindicator
Unlinked Items
The Fabled Crypt of Valdoon [Heroic]
a bloodcovet mangler
a bloodcovet ravager
a malevolent creation
a stone sculpture
a Trueborn cohort
a Trueborn subaltern
The Fabled Sanctum of the Scaleborn
a bone rot warrior
Tranquil Sea
a savage entangler
an Allu'thoa spinemaster
Zavith'loa: The Hidden Caldera [Heroic]
a trained pterrorsaur
an Allu'thoa rider
an Allu'thoa spearbearer
High Priest Hamanu'akaloa
Lavacrafter Peleaina
Zavith'loa: The Hunt [Event Heroic]
a compsognathus
Zavith'loa: The Lost Caverns [Heroic]
a stegoplatodon
an elite Allu'thoa hunter
Mo'iana the Ravenous
The Swamp Mother
Zavith'loa: The Molten Pools [Raid]
an Unstable Lava Globule
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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