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December 3, 2024 -- Census is back after a 3 day outage and characters are once again exporting. Please note if your EQ2 character used the new Petamorph Key Ring feature, it will FAIL to export to Census or EQ2U. Avoid using this feature until a fix is available!!
As a drastic measure, if you are willing to irrevocably destroy any petamorph wands you have stored in the Petamorph Key Ring, you can type /delete_keyring_item 0 1234567890 where 1234567890 is the ItemID of the stored petamorph.
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Census isn't updating for some toons
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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
Beryllium Relic

NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.

The Estate of Unrest
a billy doll
a bone barbed skeleton
a captive soul
a cucuy
a disturbed corpse
a doomed visitant
a fragment of Garanel
a possessed suit of armor
a provoked musician
a shard of Garanel
a suffering prisoner
a tormenting haunt
an agitated corpse
an agitated poltergeist
an endlessly lost traveler
an enraged cook
Ghost of Kyll Rucksif
A Memory of Sand
a djinn guardian
Ascent of the Awakened
channeler of the Flapping Wing
conscript of the Icy Breath
scholar of the Icy Breath
Ascent of the Awakened: Audience with the Guardian
a sentinel of The Awakened
Befallen: Halls of the Forsaken
a forlorn man-at-arms
a forlorn watchman
Besieged Freeport Docks
a Freeport defender
Castle Mistmoore
a captured elf
a gypsy musician
a gypsy performer
a jeering gargoyle
a Libant defender
a lupine blackpaw
a Mistmoore thaumaturge
a silverfang warrior
a Somborn dignitary
a Somborn werewolf
a vigilant Mistmoore guardian
a watchful Mistmoore protector
Arique V'Xamer
Athelhi R'Nzhepoz
Atheme K'Dfalhi
Athemei S'Dzhonek
Athenek D'Zsinek
Athenez R'Rethikin
Atheque R'Oriver
Athevar V'Orinez
Athevizh B'Vythivizh
Athezsi Y'Vueker
Avamer T'Xamer
Avaxi D'Xixi
Axila N'Drezsi
Axila Z'Qhami
Axivizh Y'Ziker
Cherista's Guardian
Derez Z'Zarez
Devar V'Sxhinek
Devar X'Izhable
Dezsi D'Kthapoz
Dfala V'Khable
Dfame H'Orixi
Dfaver J'Jzipoz
Dhible S'Ixazsi
Dhilhi V'Jthexi
Dhinez S'Vyvar
Dhiver Z'Rzhemi
Dhiwer T'Texikin
Dhvame S'Vyvizh
Dhvanek T'Iriwer
Diker D'Vzhimer
Dimer K'Kthevar
Dimer S'Athevar
Direz K'Kzepoz
Divka Issis
Dizsi V'Kthevizh
Dizsi X'Zevizh
Dreker D'Jylezsi
Dreme V'Rethila
Dremi Z'Trenez
Drever T'Ixhmei
Drevizh K'Texilhi
Drexi K'Zerami
Dwiver D'Xeker
Dwivizh V'Vzhizsi
Dzhoble K'Szevizh
Dzhoble Y'Orimei
Dzhomer J'Deque
Dzhovar K'Kreme
Dzhoxi V'Qhonez
Georg Davissi
Graf Koban
Hrakin H'Jylenez
Hrame Z'Qholhi
Hramer T'Diker
Hravar X'Axime
Hravar Z'Ziver
Huntmaster Garton Viswin
Hzakin H'Vuenek
Hzalhi T'Setipoz
Hzaque Z'Qhalhi
Hzawer B'Ixhmei
Ingker X'Zsible
Ingmei D'Vythizsi
Ingmei T'Xymer
Ingrez D'Jzikin
Ingvizh J'Dever
Irinez Y'Ixhvar
Irique K'Tazivar
Irirez D'Hzala
Irirez D'Vuenez
Irirez T'Xyrez
Irivar K'Zyme
Ixable N'Athelhi
Ixakin T'Tazipoz
Ixala V'Izhaque
Ixamer X'Kzeble
Ixanez X'Hzanez
Ixapoz R'Rzherez
Ixapoz T'Ingzsi
Ixapoz Y'Irizsi
Ixawer R'Rhimi
Ixhme T'Dwixi
Ixhmei N'Qhovizh
Ixhmi B'Ixami
Ixhque D'Drenek
Ixhque T'Dimer
Izhable V'Veziker
Izhalhi Z'Xevzha
Izhamer K'Kzekin
Izhami V'Jthemei
Izhanez V'Ingpoz
Izhanez Z'Rethilhi
Izhaver V'Trevar
Izhawer Z'Khavzha
Izhazsi H'Jylevar
Jrami R'Ixanek
Jrarez V'Avazsi
Jravzha Z'Vythixi
Jreker R'Jziver
Jrekin D'Vyxi
Jrekin Z'Izhavar
Jrenez X'Tyhaque
Jrevzha B'Teximei
Jthekin V'Qhokin
Jthela D'Khazsi
Jthevar J'Vuelhi
Jyleble T'Avavzha
Jyleker V'Kthemei
Jylela T'Kvhiwer
Jylemi J'Krevar
Jylemi T'Kthavar
Jylenez D'Jraver
Jylenez T'Dhvame
Jylerez Z'Kthamer
Jylevzha X'Khranez
Jzila V'Rethilhi
Jzivzha V'Vzhimi
Jziwer D'Xinek
Jzizsi T'Kvhizsi
Khala D'Rxonek
Khami R'Jzivar
Khanez J'Axirez
Khrame D'Zsivizh
Khraque V'Vezivar
Khravzha D'Zimer
Khrawer T'Zevzha
Kreker V'Tyhakin
Krepoz K'Ixavzha
Krerez D'Hzazsi
Krevzha Z'Zeanek
Krezsi T'Kvhixi
Krible X'Zsilhi
Krime S'Hravar
Krirez D'Zeavar
Kthazsi S'Jravzha
Ktheble V'Tremer
Kthemi V'Ozivizh
Kthevzha H'Xevizh
Kvhiver H'Ixavzha
Kzerez B'Ktheque
Kzever J'Xiker
Maestro Kerberos
Mynthi Davissi
Nhimer V'Jrevar
Nhirez D'Dhimi
Nhivar D'Dzhokin
Nhivar J'Jrelhi
Nhixi D'Xinek
Nzheble K'Rhikin
Nzhemer X'Hzaker
Nzhenek Y'Hramer
Nzhenez Z'Vyker
Nzhevzha V'Zynez
Nzhezsi R'Khaker
Oriker Z'Krique
Orilhi B'Szeque
Orilhi X'Ixhvizh
Orimi N'Khrakin
Oriver D'Khrapoz
Oxable J'Xyliker
Oxable V'Ozime
Oxarez D'Athemi
Oxawer D'Setipoz
Ozible S'Xylipoz
Ozikin J'Vethiver
Ozinez Z'Arible
Ozivar V'Kthewer
Ozivar Z'Oripoz
Ozivzha K'Izhamer
Princess Cherista
Qhame K'Vythinez
Qhavzha K'Dekin
Qhavzha Z'Jylewer
Qhaxi K'Oxamer
Qhazsi T'Vable
Qhemer T'Vzhivar
Qhenek N'Vethivar
Qhevar J'Kthevizh
Qhoble D'Tyriker
Qhopoz Y'Hzami
Qhover D'Vypoz
Qhozsi T'Atheque
Rethilhi V'Zyla
Rethinez J'Xeker
Rethirez Z'Arimer
Rhiker K'Jravizh
Rhikin R'Ixala
Rhila D'Jrawer
Rhila D'Sxhirez
Rhila K'Kzevizh
Rhique D'Rxoque
Rhiver V'Sxhila
Rhivizh D'Kzelhi
Rxokin N'Nzhezsi
Rxovzha Z'Axique
Rzheker K'Kreker
Rzheker V'Qheker
Rzhekin K'Xylique
Rzhemer H'Izhanez
Rzhenek V'Athemi
Rzhenek Z'Ixaker
Rzhenez D'Athevzha
Rzhevzha R'Khami
Rzhezsi K'Dhvawer
Rzhezsi T'Kthawer
Sage V'Ncenzi
Setikin V'Xekin
Setinek V'Dhvaver
Sxhikin D'Xylime
Sxhimer X'Zealhi
Sxhinez H'Rxome
Sxhique R'Zvilhi
Sxhizsi D'Iriwer
Szela Z'Vzhiver
Szenez K'Vevizh
Szenez X'Zeker
Szepoz V'Qharez
Szerez T'Tazipoz
Szevar D'Vzhixi
Tazikin B'Tyhaver
Tazikin J'Vezimi
Tazirez K'Xixi
Tazizsi Y'Rhivar
Texila Z'Vinirez
Thaumaturge A'Ntasi
the Huntmaster's ravisher
Trerez R'Sxhiver
Tyharez Z'Nzhevizh
Tyrila Z'Kzela
Tyrime D'Dzhovzha
Tyrimer B'Hzazsi
Tyriwer D'Kharez
Tyrixi V'Dhirez
Vaker Z'Xymi
Vanquisher B'Riareos
Vapoz V'Khraver
Vaver B'Zymei
Vela T'Izhapoz
Velhi R'Zvilhi
Veque J'Ingnez
Vethila K'Athekin
Vethinez T'Jzizsi
Vethivizh N'Oziver
Vethivizh T'Vezinek
Vevar J'Vinez
Vevizh D'Rxomer
Vezique K'Vzhikin
Vezirez V'Dhipoz
Vezivzha T'Dhvavar
Vezixi D'Drepoz
Vezixi K'Vezikin
Vible Y'Kthela
Vikomt D'Raethe
Vinible Z'Qheme
Vinikin V'Krizsi
Vinimei S'Rethivizh
Vinimer D'Jylever
Vinimer S'Texivizh
Vinivar J'Vaver
Viniver K'Vyker
Vivzha R'Khrakin
Viwer J'Dfazsi
Vizsi B'Rxoble
Voevoda B'Aelsqui
Vuekin Z'Nzhevar
Vuemer V'Vanek
Vuemi X'Zsimi
Vuezsi K'Avala
Vyker Z'Qhome
Vynek N'Sxhipoz
Vypoz K'Qhazsi
Vythixi Z'Zyvizh
Vyvar K'Tazila
Vzhiker T'Tyrimi
Vzhinez K'Qhovzha
Xalhi X'Jyleque
Xanek J'Dfami
Xanek V'Ixhnek
Xavar K'Tazimei
Xavar Z'Xylivizh
Xiker D'Kthakin
Ximer K'Jrela
Xipoz V'Ingme
Xivzha D'Nzhever
Xyker K'Vezimi
Xykin V'Ixhvizh
Xylikin Z'Zivizh
Xylimi X'Zsiker
Xylivizh Z'Xymi
Zaker K'Xylivzha
Zame K'Zeable
Zami D'Dible
Zami V'Vinikin
Zapoz H'Izhavizh
Zazsi D'Zeralhi
Zeala S'Dhvable
Zeanez K'Zvivizh
Zeavar N'Ozique
Zeavar N'Xezsi
Zela N'Qholhi
Zemei Y'Ixable
Zemer D'Dfanek
Zenek V'Irivar
Zepoz J'Vuevzha
Zeque S'Arivzha
Zeranek Z'Kthakin
Zerarez Y'Ozimer
Zeravar D'Dfazsi
Zeravar D'Vezsi
Zeravar Y'Zsimi
Zever D'Xamer
Zimei N'Kzeble
Zimei V'Qhable
Zimi D'Hrarez
Zique D'Oxaxi
Zirez Z'Zyrez
Zsible D'Jzime
Zsimer R'Zamei
Zsipoz N'Zimer
Zsique V'Szenez
Zsivar T'Nzhemer
Zsiver D'Dfavzha
Zsivzha H'Kriker
Zsizsi T'Orivar
Zviker N'Zeami
Zvimi J'Vinime
Zvique Z'Tazila
Zykin Z'Zeker
Zyrez K'Vzhipoz
Zyrez X'Jzinez
Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
a haunting spectre
a haunting spirit
a helot skeleton
a helot spectre
a helot spirit
a nightmarish vision
a sepulcher skeleton
a sepulcher spectre
a sepulcher spirit
an elementalbone skeleton
an undertaker skeleton
an undertaker supplicant
The Keeper of Nightmares
a Bathezid defender
a Bathezid dragoon
a Bathezid gatekeeper
a Bathezid sentinel
a Di'Zok zealot
a Nak'azar blackguard
a Nak'azar high guard
a Nak'azar zealot
Crypt of Valdoon
a bloodcovet mangler
a bloodcovet ravager
a crypt guardian
a Trueborn factotum
a Trueborn steward
a Trueborn subaltern
a Trueborn vindicator
an animated sentinel
an unearthed defender
a Blackscale servitor
a cadaverous Doomwing dragoon
a decomposing Blackscale chaplain
a Doomwing dracomagus carcass
a flayed Doomwing Legionaire
a fleshstripped Blackscale precursor
a Fleshstripped bowman
a plasma spirit
a putrified Doomwing
Soulless Vengeance
Evernight Abbey
a blighting nightswift
a Libant cempestre
a Libant sweordwegend
a Libant wicce
a Libant wiglere
a nightfuror
Fens of Nathsar
a Bathezid outrider
a Bathezid subverter
a Bathezid's Watch arcaneling
a Bathezid's Watch swordbearer
a Bellywhumper cursecleaner
a Bellywhumper dirtsniffer
a Bonedigger baublefinder
a Bonedigger footpeddler
a Bonedigger harvester
a Bonedigger pathfinder
a Bonedigger warcollector
a Cabilisian ruins pillager
a caravan escort
a crystal tender
a crystal whisperer
a dragonmage spellslinger
a forsaken Cabilisian spirit
a freed Krupp prisoner
a froglok battler
a Kromdek lumberjack
a Kromdek stonegatherer
a Kromdek stonelord
a Kromdek warmonger
a Krupp liberation leader
a Nurgan deathguard
a Nurgan metalshaper
a Nurgan minedigger
a Nurgan minegineer
a Nurgan mineguard
a Nurgan overseer
a Nurgan scavenger
a Nurgan scout
a Nurgan tentwatcher
a Nurgan tinkermasher
a Rilissian advancer
A Rilissian bodyguard
a Rilissian cabalist
a Rilissian slaver
a Sarnshak arcanaught
a Sarnshak ranger
a Sarnshak sentry
a sleepy Nurgan minedigger
a wretched Cabilisian trooper
a Yha-lei explorer
a Yha-lei hydromancer
a Yha-lei mindbender
an ageless dragonslayer
an elite flurryburst
an elite nova-vicar
an exiled bandit aggressor
an exiled Rilissian bandit
an ice-dazed Bellywhumper
an invading flurryburst
an invading nova-vicar
an invading shardfist
an invading shardhammer
an invading sleetsaber
Arbi the Mountainlord
Arcanaught Ska'tu
Bisbing the Fuzzy
Chilkrai D'Vourk
Evils Grumblepaws
Gregor Thunderfist
Freethinker Hideout
a D'Morte siphoner
a marrow boiler
a marrow feeder
a marrow ripper
Malkonis D'Morte
Treyloth D'Kulvith
Zylphax the Shredder
Halls of the Seeing
a mistbound concordat
a mistbound enforcer
a mistbound prelate
a mistbound sentry
a mistbound vindicator
The Elemental Warder
Jarsath Wastes
a Danak regimental
a Dracurion hoplite
a Dracurion hoplite elite
a Durus decapitator
a Durus flayer
a Durus scar guardian
a forgotten phantasm
a forsaken vision
a sabrecrest trooper
a Yha-lei harpooner
a Yha-lei netman
a Yha-lei patroller
an iksar insurgent
an unearthed dragoon
an unearthed sentry
an unearthed soldier
Scout Dry'Rok
Karnor's Castle
a drolvarg ballistaleer
a drolvarg bodyguard
a drolvarg elite
a drolvarg guardian
a drolvarg sentry
a drolvarg trainee
a skeletal caretaker
a skeletal guardian
a skeletal lookout
a skeletal scryer
a skeletal watcher
a spectral knight
a spectral protector
Kunzar Jungle
a chief renegade infiltrator
a Copper shackle monk
a Dalnir's Wheel watchman
a Jinisk caravan guard
a Jinisk citizen
a jungle quatcha
a liberated reet
a mistgoblin scout
a mistgoblin shaman
a mistgoblin warrior
a noble advisor
a reet slave
a relic plunderer
a renegade infiltrator
a renegade snooper
a risen brittlebone
a rival plunderer
a Rock shackle monk
a Rubble-rabble burrower
a Rubble-rabble detector
a Sathirian milite
a Sathirian oathsworn seeker
a Sathirian oathsworn sentry
a Sathirian patroller
a Sathirian sokokar keeper
a Sathirian trooper
a sentry of Jinisk
a sporconid cultivator
a sporconid eyesore
a sporconid redcap
a sporconid sporeling
a spurbone skeleton
a Stone shackle monk
a Torsis phantom
a Torsis spectre
a veteran shardtroop
an elder jungle quatcha
an elite flurryburst
an elite shardfist
an ice-dazed iksar villager
an iksar villager
an Outer Sebilisian seeker
an Outer Sebilisian sentry
Skulker Pyne
Sporconid Den Mother
Kylong Plains
a Broken Toe raider
a Broken Toe scrapper
a Broken Toe shaman
a coerced mudfin
a Di'Zok battlerager
a Di'Zok berserker
a Di'Zok infiltrator
a Di'Zok poacher
a Di'Zok saboteur
a Di'Zok vileguard
a Di'Zok zealot
a drachnid adept
a drachnid bloodknight
a drachnid enthraller
a drachnid hunter
a drachnid recluse
a Drolvarg Captain
a drolvarg gnasher
a drolvarg rager
a drolvarg ravisher
a drolvarg snarler
a fractured shardbone
a Gra'al Shul archaeologist
a Gra'al Shul mage
a Gra'al Shul priest
a Gra'al Shul watcher
a Gwalnax mender
a hillock crusher
a mudfin warrior
a Rime garrison sergeant
a Ryjesium ore foreman
a Sathirian priest
a Sathirian scout
a Sathirian watcher
a seasoned Rime soldier
a Venril adherent
an angry Rime officer
an arbor giant
an invading flurryburst
Arbor King Zamont
Commander Vask
Greater Shardbone
Greater Spurbone
The Honey Grubber
Widow Mistress Xalthera
Loping Plains
a blackrunner warrior
a Lyrech bloodthirster
a Lyrech mystic
a Lyrech stalker
Seeress Miritha
Miragul's Phylactery: Scion of Ice
a menagerie toiler
an envisaged Frostthorn
Miragul's Phylactery: The Anathema
a dark malevolence
a formless thought
a hostile malevolence
Miragul's Phylactery: The Crucible
a Craft Keeper enchanter
a Crimson Hands sorcerer
a Deepwater knight
a Gate Caller magician
a portal technician
Mistmoore Catacombs
a Mistmoore guard
Seneschal D'naraz
Mistmoore's Inner Sanctum
a blood colossus
a dark vampire
a Mistmoore blood drinker
a Mistmoore courtesan
a sanctum chaperone
a stoneskin destroyer
a vampiric protector
D'Lizta Cheroon
D'Lizta Viswin
Mayong Mistmoore
Tactician's Armor
Mistmyr Manor
an animated sentinel
Moors of Ykesha
a Brokenskull deckhand
a Brokenskull handler
a Brokenskull mate
a Brokenskull officer
a Brokenskull swabber
a Nuknok gorer
a Nuknok pounder
a Nuknok screamer
a Thalz'Iz'Zaz illusionist
a Thalz'Iz'Zaz monk
a Thalz'Iz'Zaz mystic
a Thalz'Iz'Zaz ranger
a Thalz'Iz'Zaz warden
a Thalz'Iz'Zaz worshipper
a void-touched Brokenskull mate
Brokenskull defender
Brokenskull striker
Captain Skullcleave
Captain Wavesmasher
Gunthak's Shanty lookout
Nuknok handler
Thullosian barsher
Thullosian grinder
Thullosian meat tender
Thullosian mumbler
Thullosian poker
Thullosian runt
Thullosian spearer
Ykeshan froglok
Ykeshan troll
Ykeshan wanderer
Najena's Hollow Tower
a gnomish majikamaker
a Najenaar flame construct
a Najenaar flame magus
a Najenaar guard
Nektropos Castle: Tribulation
a dolly
a nihilistic entity
an agitated poltergeist
an angry poltergeist
Skrarot Snikdush
Nektulos Forest
a calcified skeleton
Neriak, City of Hate
a courtesan
Nizara, City of the Nayad
a Nizari debater
a Nizari student
Nizari'ishi denizen
Nizari'ishi praetor
Nizari'ishi vindicae
Nizari'kozu denizen
Nizari'kozu praetor
Nizari'kozu vindicae
Nizari'oshu denizen
Nizari'oshu patroller
Nizari'oshu vindicae
Nizari'zhi denizen
Nizari'zhi vindicae
Palace of the Awakened
a Blacktalon caretaker
a Blacktalon palace knight
a Blacktalon vanquisher
a Blacktalon workshop warden
a Bloodscale conjuror
a Bloodscale counselor
a Bloodscale dreadknight
a Bloodscale enforcer
a Bloodscale high priest
a Bloodscale invoker
a Bloodscale shadowslayer
a fiendish Naar'Yora defender
a Naar'Yora defender
a Naar'Yora philosopher
Brakzar the Meat Cleaver
Portal to the Past: Nagafen's Lair
a fire giant
Magus Rokyl
Portal to the Past: Southern Desert of Ro
a mummy
Qeynos Capitol District
a woken spirit
Qeynos Guard Barracks: Ceremonial Chamber
a ceremony observer
a ceremony watchguard
Ravenscale Repository
a laborious armourine
a Libant craftworker
a Libant lexiconian
a Libant soulmuser
a stalwart armourine
an empowered armourine
Rescue the Diplomat
a Militia guardsmen
a Broken Shackle initiate
a chokidai handler
a cursed traitor
a risen froglok
a risen sentry
a Sathirian archon
a Sathirian centurion
a Sathirian dreadmage
a Sathirian gravelord
a Sathirian heretic
a Sathirian officer
a Sathirian patron
a Sathirian researcher
a Sathirian revenant
a Sathirian spiritist
a Sathirian student
a Sathirian vicar
a Sathirian witchdoctor
Shard of Fear
a fetid fiend
a nightmare hound
a singing scareling
a turmoil toad
a turmoil toad condemner
a turmoil toad knight
The Skeletal Destructor
The Skeletal Master
Shard of Hate
a manifestation of rage
a patron of hate
a scorn fiend
Dreadlord D`Somni
Master P`Tasa
Shard of Love: A Moment of Valor
a despaired custodian
Shard of Love: Seeding Corruption
a joyful wairy-fitch
Shard of Love: Weeding Corruption
a bitter wairy-fitch
Squire's Vale
Squire Henk
Temple Street: Vault of Necromechanica
a necromechanist
The Bonemire
a Blackscale chaplain
a Blackscale guardian
a Blackscale precursor
a Blackscale terror
a Humator ambusher
a Humator defender
a Humator hivemind
a Humator hivesister
a Humator hiveward
a Humator stalker
an undying dracomagus
an undying marauder
an undying warrior
Dracomancer Vandalix
The Acrid Mother
The Humator Harridan
The Chamber of the Truthbringer
a paladin of valor
a warrior of valor
The Clockwork Menace Factory
a clockwork miner
The Crypt of Agony
a tormented bok
a tormented dar
a tormented ilis
a tormented jin
a tormented kor
a tormented krup
a tormented reet
an agitated corpse
an agitated protector
Arch Duke Latol
Baron Yosig
Harbinger Freglor
Hierophant Prime Grekal
Librarian Zimor
Lord Vizaroth
The Deep Forge
a Deep Forge footman
a deep forge footman
a Deep Forge ironsmith
a Deep Forge toiler
a Netherflame enforcer
a Spurned adherent
a Spurned neophyte
Firelord Kaern
The Emerald Halls
a bloom custodian
a creepfern
a hidden keeper
a panic piper
a servant of growth
a thifling prankster
a Virosinoid madcap
a Virosinoid soothsayer
The Halls of Fate
a Doomwing destroyer
a Doomwing infiltrator
a Doomwing raider
a Doomwing Skarize berserker
a Doomwing Skarize centurion
a Doomwing soldier
a Doomwing transmutilator
a dragonmarked ritualist
an animated Skarize warrior
Doom Lord Septimus
Ishtaran the Skarize
Jin'tiz the Cataloguer
The Hedge Hollow
a risen corpse
a scarecrow
The Laboratory of Lord Vyemm
a Doomsworn adept
a Doomsworn endbringer
a Doomsworn ruiner
a Doomwing blackcoat
a Doomwing forgewright
a Doomwing keeper
a Doomwing ravager
a Doomwing reaver
a Doomwing shackler
a Doomwing Skarize champion
a Doomwing thaumaturge
a dragonmarked excarnate
a Quellithulian researcher
Alzid Prime
Doom Prophet Kin'vah
Doom Reaver Cheyak
Doomsworn Zatrakh
Pardas Predd
The Slavering Alzid
The Uncaged Alzid
The Lesser Faydark
a guardian of growth
Taerenun Malvyr
The Lyceum of Abhorrence
a fear-tainted feaster
a gasping fleshrender
a tireless fear-touched assistant
a tireless fear-touched minion
a tireless fear-touched trainer
Essence of Fear
The Obelisk of Blight
a champion of blight
a converted vessel
a dark lurker
a ready servant
a walking shadow
The Seed of Tunarbos
a house plant
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a Sabertooth curate
The Sundered Frontier
a commanding vermin
a lingering Paineel guard
a lingering Paineel spirit
The Unsavory Agglomeration
The Temple of Scale: Pedestal of the Priestess
a Scaleborn soulclencher
The Vaults of El'Arad
a Bloodscale elite guard
a Quellithulian archivist
a Quellithulian researcher
a Quellithulian ritualist
The Willow Wood: Besieged Hamlet
a Rockpaw destroyer
a Rockpaw scavenger
Throne of New Tunaria
a Libant infiltrator
a Libant interloper
a Tunarian high priestess
a Tunarian knight templar
a Tunarian master guardsman
a Tunarian palace guard
Trials of the Awakened
a pillar sentinel
a sentinel of the Trial
a warden of the Trial
an Awakened summoner
an Awakened trial servant
Keeper of the Gate
Xux'laio's Roost
a greater fungusman

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