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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
orc love note
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
a Deathfist marauder
Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic II]
a Blackhook backbreaker
a Blackhook barrier
a Blackhook hawkeye
a Blackhook skrimisher
Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic I]
a Blackhook grappler
a Blackhook nimrod
Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Solo]
a Blackhook grappler
Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Heroic II]
a Blackhook mesarider
Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Solo]
a Blackhook hawkeye
a Blackhook smithy
Ceremony in The Wastes
a quarry miner
Crushbone Keep
a Crushbone centurion
a Crushbone conscript
a Crushbone emissary
a Crushbone legionnaire
a Crushbone trainer
Deathfist Citadel
a Deathfist bloodguard
a Deathfist priest
a Deathfist sentinel
a Deathfist soothsayer
a Deathfist warrior
Eastern Wastes
a Ry'Gorr rearguard
a Ry'Gorr shocktrooper
a Ry'Gorr striker
a Ry'Gorr war shaman
a Thrael'Gorr despoiler
Grand Shaman Ollurn
Frostfang Sea
a Ry'Gorr centurion
Great Divide
a Ry'Gorr soldier
Greater Faydark
a Crushbone conscript
a Crushbone pawn
Nektropos Castle: Love's Errand
a ghastly jailer
brittle resident
chunks of collapsed wall
Unlinked Items
a Deathfist marauder
Scourge Keep [Advanced Solo]
a Scourge battlemaster
a Scourge boar archer
a Scourge keep guard
a Scourge sentinel
a Scourge soldier
a Scourge warpriest
a Scourge warrior
Scourge Keep [Heroic]
a forced Deathfist laborer
a Scourge keep guard
a Scourge sentinel
a Scourge soldier
a Scourge warpriest
a Scourge warrior
Shard of Love: Seeding Corruption
a blessed custodian
a dedicated flame sentinel
a sprite of passion
a wild bee
Shard of Love: Weeding Corruption
a bitter wairy-fitch
a corrupted flame sentinel
a hart of forsaken love
a hostile custodian
a sprite of jealous passion
a wild bee
an angered winged guardian
Sodden Archipelago: Blackhook Badlands [Heroic II]
a Blackhook darksiege
Sodden Archipelago: Blackhook Badlands [Heroic I]
a Blackhook shadowbane
Sodden Archipelago: Blackhook Badlands [Solo]
reanimated rabble
Sodden Islands: The Blackhook War Council
Grunt Muck
The Acadechism
a Crushbone grave lord
a Crushbone invoker
The Commonlands
a Bloodskull warrior
The Fabled Acadechism [Advanced Solo]
a Crushbone grave lord
The Fabled Acadechism [Heroic]
a Crushbone grave lord
a Crushbone marauder
The Fabled Clefts of Rujark
a Captive Coin laborer
a Crushbone invoker
a Crushbone necrolyte
a Crushbone ravager
a Crushbone reaver
a Deathfist brute
a Deathfist sentinel
a Spiritbound shaman
a Steelslave crafter
a Steelslave toiler
a Steelslave vanquisher
a Steelslave watcher
Adept Gak
Ambassador Vuzur the Blackened
Blademaster Thul
The Ruins
a Brokentusk guard
a Brokentusk pawn
The Wailing Caves
a loyal attendant
a raider of Ree
a Ree channeler
a Ree protector
a Ree underguard
a sentry of Ree
Zek, the Orcish Wastes
a Tallon patrolman
Zek, the Scourge Wastes [Heroic]
a Scourge clearcutter
a Scourge invader
a Scourge orc
a Scourge warmage
Quartermaster Klag
Zek, the Scourge Wastes [Solo]
a Scourge castigator
a Scourge clearcutter
a Scourge invader
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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