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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
flakes of spikey bones
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Abandoned Mines of Ak'Anon
a decaying gnome
Arcanna'se Spire: Repository of Secrets [Expert]
a slain Sulite infiltraiter
a slain Sulite interloper
a slain Sulite intruder
a slain Sulite invader
Arcanna'se Spire: Repository of Secrets [Heroic]
a slain Sulite infiltraiter
a slain Sulite interloper
a slain Sulite intruder
a slain Sulite invader
Arcanna'se Spire: Repository of Secrets [Solo]
a slain Sulite infiltraiter
a slain Sulite interloper
a slain Sulite intruder
a slain Sulite invader
Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic II]
a halfbone splinter
a vilebone nemesis
a wrathbone corruptor
Blackgut the Rewarded
Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic I]
a decapitated headbanger
a halfbone splinter
a venombone harrower
Blackgut the Rewarded
Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Solo]
a decapitated headbanger
a halfbone splinter
a venombone harrower
a venombone nimrod
a vilebone nemesis
Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Heroic II]
a restless squire
Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Heroic I]
a restless squire
Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Solo]
a restless squire
Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic II]
Bonewretch the Expelled
Skelegore the Regurgitated
Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic I]
Bonewretch the Expelled
Skelegore the Regurgitated
Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Solo]
Bonewretch the Expelled
Skelegore the Regurgitated
Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid]
conjured up bones
Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie [Heroic II]
The Black King
Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie [Heroic I]
The Black King
Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie [Solo]
The Black King
Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid]
reanimated bones
Darkpaw Warrens [Heroic II]
a deceased Darkpaw
chewed up bones
gnawed remains
Gorlon the Goner
grisly bones
Yorgen Stonechipper
Darkpaw Warrens [Heroic]
a deceased Darkpaw
chewed up bones
gnawed remains
grisly bones
Darkpaw Warrens [Solo]
a deceased Darkpaw
chewed up bones
gnawed remains
Gorlon the Goner
grisly bones
Deep Chelsith: Vault of Omens [Heroic]
a fading remnant
Erskellish Bloodarmor
Deep Chelsith: Vault of Omens [Solo]
a fading remnant
Erskellish Bloodarmor
Lucrezzia Mindrazer
Dragon Necropolis: Chetari Warrens [Heroic II]
a darkrot horror
Dragon Necropolis: Chetari Warrens [Heroic I]
a darkrot horror
Dragon Necropolis: Chetari Warrens [Solo]
a darkrot horror
Dragon Necropolis: Vaults of Veneration [Heroic II]
a Darkfold horror
Echo Caverns: Quarry Quandary [Expert]
a risen quarry guard
Echo Caverns: Quarry Quandary [Heroic]
a risen quarry guard
a risen quarry lookout
a risen quarryworker
Echo Caverns: Quarry Quandary [Solo]
a risen quarry guard
a risen quarry lookout
a risen quarryworker
Fordel Midst: Bizarre Bazaar [Heroic]
Short Shift
Fordel Midst: Bizarre Bazaar [Solo]
Short Shift
Forlorn Gist
an undead growler
Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid]
Undead Akashic Protector
Forlorn Gist: Nightmares of Old [Heroic I]
a lumbering ox
a lumbering oxen
Forlorn Gist: Nightmares of Old [Heroic]
a lumbering oxen
Forlorn Gist: Nightmares of Old [Solo]
a lumbering ox
a lumbering oxen
Karuupa Jungle
a risen mangler
Karuupa Jungle: Dedraka's Descent [Heroic II]
a meatless wanderer
Karuupa Jungle: Dedraka's Descent [Heroic I]
a meatless wanderer
Karuupa Jungle: Dedraka's Descent [Solo]
a meatless wanderer
Mahngavi Wastes
a drowned one
a risen prowler
a skull rider
an awakened gravewalker
Denbrough the Drowned
Mahngavi Wastes: Warpwood Cairn [Heroic I]
Krel Korek Mal
Mahngavi Wastes: Warpwood Cairn [Solo]
Krel Korek Mal
Miragul's Madness [Heroic]
a Deepice Knight
a Frost Caller magician
a frozen mercenary
Miragul's Madness [Solo]
a Deepice Knight
a Frost Caller magician
a frozen mercenary
Lord Frost
Nektulos Forest
a calcified skeleton
Portal to the Past: Qeynos Ruins [Fabled]
a lesser skeleton
Raj'Dur Plateaus
a vicious dabrutu
Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Hunt [Raid]
a blighted Hizite
a cursed hizite
a wretched Hizite
Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Sultan's Dagger [Heroic I]
Kerem B'ayet
Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Sultan's Dagger [Signature]
Kerem B'ayet
Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Sultan's Dagger [Solo]
Kerem B'ayet
Sandstone Delta
a deceased marauder
a fallen pirate
Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Heroic III]
Stormy Withers
Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Heroic II]
Stormy Withers
Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Heroic I]
Stormy Withers
Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Solo]
Stormy Withers
Sandstone Delta: Grave Grange [Event Heroic III]
Rujarkian bonehopper
Sandstone Delta: Grave Grange [Event Heroic II]
Rujarkian bonehopper
Savage Weald
a forfeit deceased
a gloomskull amalgam
Savage Weald: Backwoods Brawl [Challenge]
a murkmoor soldier
Shadeweaver's Thicket
a skeletal detritus
an ancient revenant
Shadeweaver's Thicket: Untamed Lands [Expert]
a tormented Vah Shir
Shadeweaver's Thicket: Untamed Lands [Heroic]
a tormented Vah Shir
Shadeweaver's Thicket: Untamed Lands [Solo]
a tormented Vah Shir
wandering bone debris
Shar Vahl: Siege Break [Expert]
a fallen palace guard
Shar Vahl: Siege Break [Heroic]
a fallen palace guard
Shar Vahl: Siege Break [Solo]
a fallen palace guard
Shard of Hate: Reignited Hatred [Raid]
Shard of Hate: Utter Contempt [Heroic]
a keeper of pain
a pain bringer
an anarchic lurcher
an apprentice of pain
The Head of Hate
Shard of Hate: Utter Contempt [Solo]
a pain bringer
an anarchic lurcher
an apprentice of pain
Lord of Pain
The Head of Hate
Skerry Hideaway
a cursed scallywag
Sodden Archipelago
a devoured soul
Sodden Archipelago: Return to Deepwater Watch [Solo]
Kelingar Bel'Lahr
Sodden Archipelago: The Forsaken Isle [Heroic II]
a cursed devourer
a poisoned devourer
a sickened devourer
a tormented companion
heads of the sacrificed
remnants of gore
Valahal Den
Sodden Archipelago: The Forsaken Isle [Heroic I]
a cursed devourer
a poisoned devourer
a sickened devourer
a tormented companion
heads of the sacrificed
remnants of gore
Sodden Archipelago: The Forsaken Isle [Solo]
a cannibalized soul
a cursed devourer
a poisoned devourer
a sickened devourer
a tormented companion
heads of the sacrificed
remnants of gore
Valahal Den
Splitpaw Crypts
a vengeful Splitpaw scavenger
a vengeful Splitpaw scrapper
Svarni Expanse
a risen skullmound
a risen thrasher
Svarni Expanse: Carrion Crag [Heroic II]
a pygmy skully
a skully brainbeater
Svarni Expanse: Carrion Crag [Heroic I]
a pygmy skully
a skully brainbeater
Svarni Expanse: Carrion Crag [Solo]
a pygmy skully
a skully brainbeater
Takish Badlands
a disturbed Teir'Dal
The Ruins of Ssraeshza [Heroic]
a forlorn slave
a tormented slave
The Ruins of Ssraeshza [Solo]
a forlorn slave
a tormented slave
The Venom of Ssraeshza [Event Heroic]
a travailing flood control engineer
Vasty Deep: Toil and Trouble [Heroic II]
The Abandoned Labomination
Vulgrat Vilebones
Vasty Deep: Toil and Trouble [Heroic I]
The Abandoned Labomination
Vulgrat Vilebones
Vasty Deep: Toil and Trouble [Solo]
The Abandoned Labomination
Vulgrat Vilebones
Western Wastes
a frostbitten chaosbone
a rotbone stalker
an illfated crew member
a forgotten slave
a forlorn slave
a tormented slave
an undying slave
Zraxth's Fabled Unseen Arcanum [Heroic]
a coagulating mass
a lesser plagueborn prowler
a regenerating mass
a repairing mass
Deathbone Lord Krasick
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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