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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
a gnoll eye

NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.

a Cavemaw grub hunter
a Cavemaw sentinel
a Cavemaw tamer
a Cavemaw tunneler
a dankfur gnoll
a Darkpaw animator
a Darkpaw brigand
a Darkpaw brute
a Darkpaw mystic
a Darkpaw pack leader
a Darkpaw rune caster
a Darkpaw shaman
a Darkpaw soldier
a Darkpaw youth
a Sabertooth battler
a Sabertooth darkstrider
a Sabertooth elder
a Sabertooth mongrel
a Sabertooth neophyte
a Sabertooth rune caster
a Sabertooth runt
a Sabertooth spear guard
a timberclaw gnoll
Bra'ak the Reptile
a burly Sabertooth
a hoard watcher
a patrolling Sabertooth
a Sabertooth angler
a Sabertooth brewery guard
a Sabertooth brewmaster
a Sabertooth chanter
a Sabertooth commander
a Sabertooth diviner
a Sabertooth elite guard
a Sabertooth excavator
a Sabertooth guard
a Sabertooth lookout
a Sabertooth miner
a Sabertooth oracle
a Sabertooth sentry
a Sabertooth spearfisher
a Sabertooth tactician
a scrawny Sabertooth
a stalwart Sabertooth
a stockpile protector
a training spearfisher
High Shaman Grual
Nantglas the Cold
Overseer Thix
Overseer Wuoler
Splitpaw Scout
Darkpaw Warrens [Heroic II]
a Blotch Mot skirmisher
a conclave watcher
a Dustpaw adherent
a Dustpaw prophet
a Dustpaw skulker
a Dustpaw toiler
a Dustpaw watcher
a Follower of Fippy
a Garatch Mot pitfighter
a Garatch Mot warmonger
a herald of Harclave
a Lteth Mal shadowclaw
a Lteth Mas thrall
a Mudpaw drudge
a Mudpaw pathfinder
a Mudpaw prophet
a Mudpaw repeller
a Mudpaw zealot
a Nisch Mal devotee
a Rockpaw battler
a Rockpaw furblaster
a Rockpaw prophet
a Rockpaw tracker
a Sabertooth enforcer
a Sabertooth grunt
a Sabertooth hatcheteer
a Sabertooth infiltrator
a Sabertooth spellbinder
a Snowfang hunter
a Snowfang lightfoot
a Snowfang prophet
a Snowfang spirit caller
a Splitpaw prophet
a Tesch Mal sentinel
a Zulretch Mot blood shaman
Anima of Gashok
Darkpaw Warrens [Heroic]
a Blotch Mot skirmisher
a conclave watcher
a Dustpaw adherent
a Dustpaw prophet
a Dustpaw skulker
a Dustpaw toiler
a Dustpaw watcher
a Follower of Fippy
a Garatch Mot pitfighter
a Garatch Mot warmonger
a herald of Harclave
a Lteth Mal shadowclaw
a Lteth Mas thrall
a Mudpaw drudge
a Mudpaw pathfinder
a Mudpaw repeller
a Mudpaw zealot
a Nisch Mal devotee
a Rockpaw battler
a Rockpaw furblaster
a Rockpaw grubber
a Rockpaw prophet
a Rockpaw tracker
a Sabertooth enforcer
a Sabertooth grunt
a Sabertooth hatcheteer
a Sabertooth infiltrator
a Sabertooth spellbinder
a Snowfang hunter
a Snowfang prophet
a Snowfang spirit caller
a Tesch Mal sentinel
a Tesch Val handler
a Zulretch Mot blood shaman
an oracle of Opolla
Madpaw Mixl
Darkpaw Warrens [Solo]
a Blotch Mot skirmisher
a Dustpaw adherent
a Dustpaw skulker
a Dustpaw toiler
a Dustpaw watcher
a Garatch Mot pitfighter
a Garatch Mot warmonger
a herald of Harclave
a Lteth Mal shadowclaw
a Lteth Mas thrall
a Mudpaw drudge
a Mudpaw pathfinder
a Mudpaw repeller
a Mudpaw zealot
a Nisch Mal devotee
a Rockpaw battler
a Rockpaw grubber
a Rockpaw tracker
a Sabertooth enforcer
a Sabertooth grunt
a Sabertooth hatcheteer
a Sabertooth infiltrator
a Sabertooth prophet
a Sabertooth spellbinder
a Snowfang hunter
a Splitpaw prophet
a Tesch Mal sentinel
a Zulretch Mot blood shaman
an oracle of Opolla
Great Divide
a collapsed gnoll
a famished gnoll
a ravenous gnoll
a risen Snowfang gnoll
a starving gnoll
Loping Plains
a Sareth'Tal forager
Portal to the Past: Qeynos Hills
gnoll advisor
gnoll hunter
gnoll scout
gnoll watcher
Portal to the Past: Qeynos Hills [Fabled]
gnoll watcher
Qeynos Capitol District
a party crashing gnoll
Qeynos Province District
a Rockpaw gnoll
Silent City: The Delving Dead
a Blackfang extractor
a Blackfang heretic
a Blackfang ravager
a risen Blackfang
Silent City: Tomb of Seers
a Blackfang heretic
a Blackfang ravager
a Blackfang stalker
Sundered Splitpaw: Anvilpaw's Grotto
a grim Lteth Val raider
a grim Tesch Val savage
a perished Tesch Val
a spectral Lteth Val
Sundered Splitpaw: Delving into the Darkness
a Lteth Mas swindler
a Nisch Mal pariah
Sundered Splitpaw: Hideout
a Lteth Mal ransacker
a Nisch Mal pariah
a Rosch Mas malefactor
Sundered Splitpaw: Trial of Harclave
a tormented Tesch Mal
Sundered Splitpaw: Upper Tunnels
a Lteth Mas swindler
a Nisch Mas flesh brewer
a Tesch Mas defender
The Caves
a Dustpaw armorer
a Dustpaw guard
a Mudpaw lookout
a Rockpaw guard
a Rockpaw scout
a Rockpaw striker
The Forest Ruins: Burrows
a Rockpaw destroyer
The Fountain of Life
an Anashite aegis
an Anashite augur
an Anashite guardian
an Anashite mystic
an Anashite shadowblade
an Anashite thaumaturge
The Living Tombs
an Anaz Mal advocate
an Anaz Mal deceiver
an Anaz Mal excavator
an Anaz Mal gravehowler
an Anaz Mal impurifier
an Anaz Mal necroseer
an Anaz Mal runemage
an Anaz Mal vassal
an Anaz Mal veilguard
an Anaz Mal vicar
The Shattered Vale
a Sabertooth champion
The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation
a Gnoll overseer
a Sabertooth curate
a Sabertooth protector
a Sabertooth watcher
The Silent City
a Blackfang ambusher
a Blackfang curator
a Blackfang harbinger
a Blackfang savage
a Blackfang warder
a channel technician
a surveyor mummy
The Sinking Sands
an Anaz Mal coercer
an Anaz Mal diviner
an Anaz Mal guardian
an Anaz Mal mauler
an Anaz Mal safeguard
an Anaz Mal scavenger
an Anaz Mal scrapper
an Anaz Mal soothsayer
an Anaz Mal suppressor
The Thundering Steppes
a Bloodtooth forestrunner
a Sabertooth chanter
a Sabertooth diviner
a Sabertooth forager
a Sabertooth harvester
a Sabertooth hunter
a Sabertooth lookout
a Sabertooth looter
a Sabertooth scout
a Sabertooth soothsayer
a Sabertooth spotter
a Sabertooth tracker
a Sabertooth warrior
a Skindancer defiler
a Skindancer knight
a Skindancer legionnaire
a Skindancer seer
a Skindancer sentry
a Tesch Mal abductor
a Tesch Mas brute
The Willow Wood: Besieged Hamlet
a Rockpaw destroyer

This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the Dragon’s Armory "Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin developed by Dedith.   
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