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Crowdsourced Loot Data from Armory Tracker
Bloodbound Rune of Evasion
NPCs That Drop This Item
Showing up to 200 NPCs that are known to drop this item.
Awuidor: Trench of Terrors [Solo]
Esodeax the Entrenched
Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic II]
Vorigan Mistmoore
Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic I]
Vorigan Mistmoore
Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid]
a Loyal Observer
conjured up bones
Unlinked Items
Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie [Heroic II]
Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie [Heroic I]
Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid]
Unlinked Items
Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid]
a Delirian bewitcheress
a Delirian enchantress
a Delirian exorciser
a Delirian soulreaver
a Delirian spiritcrafter
Demented Spirits
reanimated corpse
Servitor of Forlorn
Undead Akashic Protector
Unlinked Items
Wandering Skulker
Wandering Slinker
Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid]
a brutish bumbler
a Dreadfell necrosplicer
a necromantis remnant
a phantom blightrider
a sanguine hunter
Guardian of Lithania
Innovation: Tinkerer's Trial [Solo]
Cogsteady Rhinocticus
Karuupa Jungle: Dedraka's Descent [Heroic II]
Karuupa Jungle: Dedraka's Descent [Heroic I]
Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid]
a gargantuan Karuupa Pouncer
a strongroot creepfern
a swamp hopper
a vibrant swamp hopper
an overgrown Karuupa Fennik buck
Mahngavi Wastes: Phantasmal Shades [Heroic I]
Esmerelda Everghast
Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid]
a bubbling muck
a disembodied remnant
a disembodied skulker
a Dreadfell bewitcheress
a mutating wastes denizen
a resurrected sacrifice
Mahngavi Wastes: Warpwood Cairn [Heroic I]
Lagrecia Vyl'Tayne
Svarni Expanse: Carrion Crag [Heroic II]
a wretched corpsecur
The Fabled Veeshan's Peak [Raid]
a draconian sentinel
a firedrake sentry
a frenzied racnor
a guardian wurm
a juggernaut golem
a magmatic globule
a seething spark
an elder wyvern guardian
The Merchant's Den [Solo]
Arachlord Dyrraga
This page uses player-submitted Loot data from the
Dragon’s Armory
"Armory Tracker" ACT Plugin
developed by Dedith.
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