I have created a wondrous and magical item through a lot of hard work and perseverance. I just need the correct items now to assemble this into a working armament. Within Redwinger's book, he describes what he used and why these items worked in harmony with his treated armor. I will seek them out and assemble the final treasure.
I cannot use straps without buckles. I am looking for very specific buckles that are intricate enough to use properly.
My final assembly requires four Intricate Strap Buckles.
The first thing I need to assemble this item is straps. Highly magical ones.
My final assembly requires four highly magical straps.
The rarest and final components needed are flame galvanized hooks.
My final assembly requires two Flame Galvanized Hooks.
I need to take this back to the special table and make the final assembly of my treasure.
Return to the metallurgist's table and make the final assembly.
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