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Aether Racing: Neriak
World Event
A crazed gnomish pirate has asked me to test his new race. I must overcome all dangers to win!
Scales with Level
To join the flying race, first head to the start beacon!
Step on the teleport pad to start! (in Darklight Wood)
The race will start soon. You will not be able to join if you are on another mount when it starts.
Get ready to fly! (in Darklight Wood)
Race around the track! Fly through all of the beacons in order to finish.
Race to the first beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the second beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the third beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the fourth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the fifth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the sixth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the seventh beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the eighth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the ninth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the tenth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the eleventh beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the twelfth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the thirteenth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the fourteenth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the fifteenth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the sixteenth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the seventeenth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the eighteenth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the ninteenth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the twentieth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the twenty-first beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the twenty-second beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the twenty-third beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the twenty-fourth beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Race to the finish beacon! (in Darklight Wood)
Return to the engineer to discuss the results.
Talk to the gnomish engineer. (in Darklight Wood)
At least
6,451 XP
All of these items:
City Token
Quest Rewards above are only the guaranteed XP, faction, and coin rewarded for this quest. Status points and rewards limited by class, race, alignment, etc. are unavailable.
Quest Giver
Aether Racing Referee
in Darklight Wood
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