Wu's third and final edict, the Edict of the Material, requires me to take a sack of gold coins to a bandit at the intersection near the Nybright Camp in the Lesser Faydark. Master Kyau explained that by doing so I will understand what Wu meant when he said, "In order to truly be free and have a clear mind and find peace within oneself, one must detach oneself from a dependence on material wealth and possessions."
Shareable (Complete)
Seek out the bandit in the Lesser Faydark at the intersection near the Nybright Camp and give him the sack of gold coins given to you by Master Kyau.
I need to take this bag of gold coins to the bandit that frequents the intersection near the Nybright Camp. (in Lesser Faydark)
It seems that Master Kyau had given me a sack filled with lead coins painted to look like gold. I should return to her and tell her that the bandit attacked me and force me to defend myself.
I must return to Master Kyau and tell her of what has happened. (in Lesser Faydark)
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